Music You Can Read®

"When the Train Comes Along"
"When the Train Comes Along"

"When the Train Comes Along," Lyrics, Text Format

Recognize Do8\So as perfect fourth (P4) and So\Do as a perfect fifth (P5), tonic arpeggios, a major sixth (M6), and a tonic octave skip.

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  • Grade: Fourth

  • Origin: USA - African American Spiritual

  • Key: D Major

  • Time: 4/4

  • Form: staves: ABCB - song: ABA, refrain/verse/refrain

  • Rhythm: beginners: | ta/a ta/ ti | syncopation,
    | ta ta ta ta | ta ta/a ta | syncopation, | ta/a/a ta |
    | ta/a ta ta |

  • Pitches: intermediate: Do Re Mi So La Do - pentatonic scale

  • Intervals: intermediate: Do8\La (m3), La/Do8 (m3), Do8\So (P4), So\Do (P5), Do/Mi/So ascending tonic (I) arpeggio (D), So\Mi\Do descending tonic (I) arpeggio (D), Do/So (P5), Do\Do descending tonic octave skip, La\Do (M6)

  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted half, half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; pickup beats, syncopation, two double barlines, tonic arpeggio, tonic octave skip, pentatonic scale, D.C. al Fine, Fine

  • Key Words: USA history, African American history, Underground railroad, railroad song, spiritual, snowing, cold, train station, blind, cannot see, lame, cannot walk; contraction: I'll (I will); abbreviation: an' (and)


"When the Train Comes Along"

When the train comes along,
When the train comes along,
I'll meet you at the station
When the train comes along.

It may be snowing,
It may be cold,
But I'll meet you at the station,
When the train comes along.

I may be blind,
An' cannot see.
But I'll meet you at the station,
When the train comes along.
  3. I may be lame,
An' cannot not talk,
But I'll meet you at the station,
When the train comes along.

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Additional Formats


"When the Train Comes Along," Music Format
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Click to enlarge: "When the Train Comes Along," Beats Format
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Click to Enlarge: "When the Train Comes Along," Rhythm Format
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pitch numbers

Click to Enlarge: "When the Train Comes Along," Pitch Number Format
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Click to Enlarge: "When the Train Comes Along," Solfeggio Format
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letter names

Click to Enlarge: "" Letter Names Format
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